Electric skateboard. Maintenance

6 points to take into account for the maintenance of an electric skate

Elementos a los que debemos prestar atención.

The Hatchet is without a doubt an electric Skate that is giving us great satisfaction, on any terrain, both in the city and Off Road, obviously sooner or later we will have to do some type of maintenance if we want our Skate to last a long time and continue working perfectly.

Thanks to the design and the way in which they are manufactured, the maintenance operations that we have to perform on our Skates are relatively few and easy to carry out. We describe them below:

1.-Limpieza de rodamientos.

This is perhaps the task that we will have to perform most often because they are the elements that have the most wear and tear on our Skate, although cleaning them is reduced to removing any dust or dirt that they may have collected. These bearings are sealed, this means that the bearing balls are not visible or exposed to the elements and therefore it is much more difficult for them to pick up dust or dirt. We can use for cleaning any KH7-type degreasing liquid or any degreaser that we use in the kitchen.

Una vez limpios, los lubricaremos con algo de aceite multiusos o para maquinas de coser, ojo, no recomendamos los aceites en espray, ya que estos aceites están diseñados para aflojar todo tipo de tuercas y tornillos, “No me quiero imaginar lo que sucedería si nos quedamos sin la tuerca de una rueda, mientras bajamos una cuesta con nuestro Skate”, también podremos aplicar un poco de grasa consistente de Litio.

To easily access the bearings we must remove the nut that holds the wheel to the axle and remove the wheel.

2.-Tensión en las correas de mi Skate.

Another element that we will have to keep an eye on are the straps and their tension, when the straps are very tight our Skate will make a very sharp, metallic and quite annoying noise, we will also notice that the wheels are not loose, as if something it stops them. On the contrary, if the strap is very loose, we will run the risk of it coming out of its housing or losing steps when “pulling” the skate, noticing that it lacks power and or that it could be worse, breaking the strap. traction.

Como haremos para dejar la correa con su tensión correcta.

This is a slightly more complicated task than cleaning the bearings, but on the other hand, we will say that it only has to be done on rare occasions, since the belts do not usually loosen tension.

Pasos a realizar: Daremos la vuelta al patín y lo situaremos con las ruedas hacia arriba. Para tensar o destensar las correas no es necesario quitar las ruedas. Quitar tapas de plástico que cubren las correas en la parte del motor.

It would not be necessary to remove the wheels, although we have removed them here for a better visualization. When loosening the screws that hold the motors, we will see that the holes in these screws are oval, so that, once loosened, we can move the screw to the sides. Once we have all the screws loosened, we will see that the motors can move forward or backward within the oval holes that I mentioned before, we will move the motor in such a way that the belt has the required tension.

It would not be necessary to remove the wheels, although we have removed them here for a better visualization. When loosening the screws that hold the motors, we will see that the holes in these screws are oval, so that, once loosened, we can move the screw to the sides. Once we have all the screws loosened, we will see that the motors can move forward or backward within the oval holes that I mentioned before, we will move the motor in such a way that the belt has the required tension.

3.-Reglaje de la dureza de los ejes.

How many times have we heard? “When I go fast the axles move a lot” it’s like they shake. Well, this is because the nut on the axle is not very tight, but first let’s look at the parts of an axle to understand how it works:

Notice, when the screw is very tight, the hanger is strongly joined to the base of the axle due to the pressure exerted by the rubber, this means that the path that the hanger takes to turn is limited and it is more difficult to turn with the board and therefore Consequently, the stability when we are going fast is greater, on the other hand, when the screw is loosely tightened, the travel of the hanger is greater since the rubbers do not tighten as much and the rotation of the axle is also therefore less difficult to turn and the stability when we are going fast is greater. minor.

Como ajustar esta presión a nuestro gusto. Aquí cada “maestrillo tiene su librillo” os cuento como lo hago yo: Apretaremos la tuerca del eje para que quede enrasada con el tornillo que presiona las gomas, de tal manera que este nos servirá de guía. Probaremos el patín, si no estamos a gusto con el comportamiento del mismo por que se mueva mucho, apretaremos una vuelta la tuerca. Si no girara como a nosotros nos gusta, aflojaremos una vuelta la tuerca. Así, hasta que encontremos el punto en el que estemos a gusto con el comportamiento del patín.

We will have to carry out this operation on both the front and rear axles, this axle weighs more, since it carries the motors and the traction system, so the adjustment of the nut will not be the same as that of the front axle. . You should try this little by little until you are comfortable with the behavior of the axes.

4.-Limpieza de la lija. En muchas ocasiones la lija se ensucia como consecuencia de todo el polvo y la suciedad que arrastramos con nuestras zapatillas, cuanto mas sucia está la lija, menos agarre tendremos y mas difícil será tener un buen control de la tabla. Para limpiarla solo tendremos que hacer dos pasos muy sencillos.

With some soapy water and a spray, we will spray the sandpaper, be careful not to go over just enough. Afterwards, with a root brush or any hard bristle brush, we use it to remove all the dirt, with little work, you will see how our skate looks new.

5.- Cuidados de la batería.

To take care of our batteries alone, we will have to follow some very easy guidelines that will undoubtedly help us have them in the best possible condition. As a rule, before leaving, we will charge our battery, this way we ensure that we will have the maximum capacity and the possibility of total discharge will be less. We will check the temperature from time to time, especially on hot days, just by touching the top of the package, we will realize if they are very hot, in this case it will be highly advisable to wait a while for the temperature to drop. Remember, as we mentioned in the blog “Let’s Talk About Batteries” that an acceptable temperature will be around 45º.

When we face a steep slope and if we have already done a few kilometers, it is advisable not to force the speed or power, since in the event of a large discharge the battery safety controller or BMS (Battery Management System) will cut off the power to the skateboard for safety. and we will run out of power momentarily. If we have exhausted the battery on our walk, when we get home we will charge it for a while, around 20 minutes so as not to leave the batteries discharged for too long. As a general rule, we will only have to keep our Skate clean after each session and we will check that there are no foreign elements, stones, etc., in the motors.

6.- Ojo con el agua. aunque nuestro Hatched es un off road en toda regla, no deberemos meter el patín en charcos profundos o zonas donde la profundidad del agua pueda llegar a los motores. Siempre corremos el riesgo de que la electrónica se moje con las consecuencias que ya imagináis. !!Siguiendo estas normas de mantenimiento tendremos Skate para rato!! Hasta aquí todo los que podemos hacer nosotros mismos.

Servicio de Atención Premium. Tomahawk Skateboards cuenta con un servicio técnico de primera a tu disposición para que no pares con tu skate.

Contáctanos Si necesitas asistencia técnica, o tienes dudas sobre promociones o compras online, puedes contactar con uno de nuestros expertos. info@tomahawkskateboards.com

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