Category Archives: Skateboard culture

Electric Skateboard: Everything you need to know

An electric skateboard, also known as an e-board, is nothing more than what the term implies: a means of transportation on a skateboard, deck, or skateboard (depending on where you are). Depending on the model, speed is controlled either through a wireless remote control or a weight sensor. And the steering? Just like a traditional […]

Electric skateboard battery charge recovery device: Rboard

Hoy en día para ser respetuoso con el medio ambiente o ser una persona con conciencia ecológica debemos entender primero la fragilidad de nuestro medio ambiente y protegerlo de los daños que le causamos. Tomahawk Skateboards está continuamente evolucionando para conseguir productos que sean respetuosos con el medio ambiente y que a la vez supongan, […]